Read the latest developments, trend and news right here! We share you our take on the winning technologies and game changing strategies on how to become the hero of Cloud, Serverless and DevOps.
The number of IaC tools has grown significantly over the years. What new tools do better than the old ones? What are they suitable for, what not?
Who is the man relieving the pain and anxiety of the bravest and the brightest CTO’s by showing them how to become the hero of the cloud era?
What does it take to be in charge of your cloud operations? Read our take on what are the building blocks of winning software systems of the cloud era.
Who is the man standing right behind the smartest and the bravest CTOs, sharing them the best-practises of cloud, DevOps and Serverless principles?
The utilization of cloud services often proceeds through three levels. What is your current level concerning cloud computing?
Learn how to develop your responsiveness and to tune your reaction process to get the best results from your cloud investment!
Is it possible to give developers the freedom to innovate and at same time to maintain security and cost-efficiency?
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